7/9/10 4:10 PM
A Day with Ora after work.
asked Oscar to go home early this day after work. Cooked noodles for
him as what he requested. T'was a whole lot of fun having bond with our
little pretty ningky doo baby. And here are some of those last July 8,

Ora rarely wears her smile so yesterday I was lucky to see those 8 pearly white teeth.

Yum-Yum Kiss Mwah!!! From Papa and Mama! Unfortunately She ignored it! Because she was...

...oh sooohhh!!!!...BUSY... so occupied watching her favorite show Momay!

And when I say "Momay!!!" she would shout "May!!!" Good start ayt?

I asked her to take a pose and this is what happened...

was totally annoyed how Papa would carry her.We'll she's not in mood at
all to take more photos! And Papa's having sty/e on his left eye! Coz
weeeeerreee.... the STY/E FAMILY!!! Ayeeehhh!!!

Yipeeee!!! Her reaction when she saw the red warning light
of the digital Camera.
of the digital Camera.

She loves to stay in her Papa's huge plastic box.
She's fond of playing here while taking her a bath and she goes wild!
She's fond of playing here while taking her a bath and she goes wild!

This one thing .. why I love to have another one

NEVER!!! interrupt her when she's busy! I was calling her to look at the camera but ends up having this. Ain't it cute??? :-)

She's always been a happy little tod!

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