7/27/11 3:38 PM
A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bank balance smaller, home happier, clothes dirty, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.

Catching Up!
You turned 3 months last week, but Mama is such a busy one and due to
some brain buzzing activities, I have a lot to say to you.
you’re growing! When you know everyone’s talking to you, you get so
bashful, but you smile from ear-to-ear. We love you to pieces. Ora’s
kissing you a lot these days. It’s so sweet that she’s treating you so
good recently but when she gets nuts I could see her sometimes taking
away your mittens while you’re in deep sleep and you go wild too!!! You
love everything, you love to bathe and you love to drink your milk a
lot. You’re big now- more of 11 pounds I guess. You have the most
gorgeous lashes and dimples too! I’ll be thankful for another day with
you! My little miracle, my tiny prince.
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