I'm a wife to Oca III, a teacher, a friend. I'm passionate about writing and photos and an avid life- documenter. This blog, which started on May 08, 2010, gives me the opportunity to share my heart with a few friends. Enjoy! Take a peek of my awesome family! Through all of the posts and a crazy amount of pictures, we hope to document all of the silly details of raising our two precious kids, Ora & Quad IV. We also hope to share some of the fun things that we do around our beautiful sub-urb life... Kisses!

March 02, 2013

Moments In Our Month: February


Reach me through: theaquinolazaro@gmail.com


Sometimes its cool just to document some of the modest things. Well, something that I’ll be posting here in this blog. The small things that I will want to remember 5, 10, 15 years from now.

I cherish every-single-thing-I/we-do and love looking back at the memories I've/we've made.  

Life is moving way too fast. These are the little things I’ve shared with friends and family lately

To begin my year, as I now reaches a quarter of century, 
I write down any requests for myself 
- outstandingly those I desire the most (definitely not those tangible ones!). 
These has something to do with my health, key appointments coming up, 
things that concern me and my family or those causing me to be anxious, 
or anything else that springs to my mind. 
I write down verses that I feel are meaningful to me. 
Lately, he's been badly mischievous, so to keep him from not climbing,
and running around to the extent that he shatters cabinet glasses, 
there he is wrapped like a neonate.

I often wonder why I am so very lucky, blessed and fortunate to have Oscar as my husband and my children’s father.  
I’ve not figured that out, and perhaps I never will.  
One thing is true, each special moments like today
I am once again reminded with perfect clarity that lucky, 

Thank you B, for making my life so INCREDIBLE.  
I only wish I am able to give back at least some good fraction of the kindness you impart upon me.

Always and Forever. 

Rozette is a root of the Latin word Rose. And so she is.

My gratitude Oh God that Ora's now completely okay in her battle with UTI sooner than the month ends.


‘Twas around 9 pm when we brought you to the hospital. You bear with you 39.8° C fever. 
You were wholly feeling frail. When we waited for your turn, 
all you wanted to do is to go home and you uttered for a lot of times 
“ Mama Da, Uwi na tayo?”… 
You were brave! When they asked you to get a second doze of your blood sample, 
you were just listening to me whispering you “Sofia’s Song”. 
You saplessly tried to chant with me not minding the series of blood sample they were getting on you.

Moving on, I'd like to share to you this remarkable piece Michael Chabon of New York Review of Books and goes like this:

The world is so big, so complicated, so replete with marvels and surprises that it takes years for most people to begin to notice that it is, also, irretrievably broken. We call this period of research “childhood.” 

Because childhood is magical and wonderful and hilarious...
...and because it's ought to be.
And we get to see these things through our children. 

So what are we gonna do with these brokenness?

In the middle of these brokenness there are wonderful creatures who recognize the magic of the world. 

The other night before I put my kids to bed, 
Ora asked me to look for her baby bird stuffed toy.
I mean. how amazing are birds! 
Maybe they bear with them something we don't understand that only a child would do. 
They're amazing great and whoa! maybe they're right that birds are actually just merely birds but birds at times the greatest thing ever happen to a child.

Embrace the current season of your life!
Thank you for dropping by!