I'm a wife to Oca III, a teacher, a friend. I'm passionate about writing and photos and an avid life- documenter. This blog, which started on May 08, 2010, gives me the opportunity to share my heart with a few friends. Enjoy! Take a peek of my awesome family! Through all of the posts and a crazy amount of pictures, we hope to document all of the silly details of raising our two precious kids, Ora & Quad IV. We also hope to share some of the fun things that we do around our beautiful sub-urb life... Kisses!

May 23, 2013

Fingers Crossed

I’ve been counting the days…
And no, I’m not being sad or fretful. 
In fact, it's the opposite as I’ve been counting the days with excitement!  
I’m beyond thrilled, really thrilled!

That’s how I’ve been feeling these past few weeks certain for some developments of a very important “episode” in my life that I cannot yet reveal :)

But one things for sure: 
Things are working out in my favor!

Let the good vibes roll! 

Embrace the current season of your life.
Thanks for dropping by!

May 08, 2013

Moments In Our Months: March -April 2013 / Happy Second Birthday Quad.

Reach me through: theaquinolazaro@gmail.com

Things have been particularly delightful around lately so please excuse me while I get all kids and 'selfie' photos in here.

So to begin...

March was tough. 
Night after nights I've had asthma attacks. 
I had that lasted for hours and I thought I might be dying.
Soon after the month ended my lungs begin to open wider, gradually. 
And then like a sail caught in wind I can breathe full breaths again. 
It feels so incredible and blissful to be well and alive.
And recently the attacks has been miles away! 
A part of me feels grateful for the reminder of how good it feels to be well.

It’s April and Quad is recently finding his voice. 
We now could hear lots of ramblings from him!  And Oh! Hundreds of times of being grumpy.
Some day it will be Quad’s turn to fill us in and we will listen enthusiastically.
We bet his little mind is filled with magic.

Our kids can teach us so much about ourselves if we just see life through their eyes and through things they wanted to mean.


Most days I feel like I have too many responsibilities and too little time.
Most specially now that we're preparing Ora for nursery.
So,Yey! Hurray to being Four!

 So this is how we teach Ora the value of saving greens (money).

No exciting writing places for him and so the walls were covered with awesome masterpiece  like these...

Mothers are the people who love us for no good reason. 
And those of us who are mothers know it's the most exquisite love of all. - Maggie Gallagher 

"There is only one pretty child in the world, and every mother has it." -Chinese Proverbs

Just because they love on each other does not mean they do not also fight on each other. 
For every kiss and hug across the room or a full on wrestle match under 
the table complete with head butting and leg twisting and everyone screaming!!!
 So it isn't all sweetness and light around…

April as well was all about cakes, sweets, fancy decorations. 
Do you know why? 
Because it is the Birthday of the our cute little Megamind..
our Miracle Boy! 

Each Holy Week is always the same as far as its structure and order. 
Despite its regularity, my experience of Holy Week is never the same.

The weather was calm. 
There was a profound silence when I entered the emergency room of SPH. 
Running out breath and devoid of what would come sooner, 
but one thing that I was certain throughout that very moment… 
I put all my life, our life, in God’s hands.

Both heartbeats drastically dropped down which lead me to a decisive operation. 
But on this very day I resolutely believe that miracles do happen.
The journey coupled our fate, 
with an unwavering determination that it takes to continue when times get tough.


Holy Thursday of 2011, 
I gave birth to an AMAZING, SWEET little boy.

Oh Quad... 
These last couple of years has been more than I ever could have dreamed. 
When I think back on all the hours I spent praying 
& believing for you, 
it is such a testament of God's goodness and never understanding His plan, but trusting it anyway. 
When I look at you, 
I'm always reminded that God is with us, 
through it all.


I hope you have enjoyed your first two years on earth. 
Life is yet to begin and once it does, 
you will grow up to be a very loving and genuine individual,
 just like your Papa.
Oh yeah! With every passing year, 
I see a little more of your Papa's shadow in you. 
Haha! Oscar na Oscar lang!

Quad, may you continue to grow up more and more adorable. 
May God bless you and give you a healthy life ahead.

Nothing is more adorable than a smile and nothing is more wonderful than when it stays that way.  

You're naughty as ever, still the apple of everyone's eye. 
You manage to make us smile so easily, and we love you so much.
You'll always be my "precious miracle baby". 
I'm excited to begin another adventure with you!

He is extremely funny, loves to eat, and gets frustrated when we can't comprehend his sentences.

24 months ago, the world greeted you into this world with joy and delight.
 Today we feel all the more happy to see your sweet face Baby Qwaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!

Hello to May Flowers! 

Embrace the current season of your life!
Thank you for dropping by!