I'm a wife to Oca III, a teacher, a friend. I'm passionate about writing and photos and an avid life- documenter. This blog, which started on May 08, 2010, gives me the opportunity to share my heart with a few friends. Enjoy! Take a peek of my awesome family! Through all of the posts and a crazy amount of pictures, we hope to document all of the silly details of raising our two precious kids, Ora & Quad IV. We also hope to share some of the fun things that we do around our beautiful sub-urb life... Kisses!

December 29, 2013

Moments in our Month: DECEMBER 2013

Reach me through theaquinolazaro@gmail.com

It’s a quiet Christmas Eve. Also, it has been a silly little Christmas season, for us. Short, busy, a little bit of the same and some changes thrown in too. Quad was sick but still he was our little trooper that night. At the hospital, Quad sleeps against me and I am happy to hold him in my arms. He is beautiful beyond anything I could have ever imagined and I watch his face closely, knowing it will change. It already has. 

Despite what I have been said, it was still a great Christmas!

Here are some little snapshots of our little Christmas, a complete mixture of
blurry and BlackBerry/Samsung-nography!

Oscar’s Hometown welcomes us back with open arms, but it doesn’t feel quite the same as our last trip, Christmas of 2012. When our family is together life seems easy. But this year it’s us three in symbiosis -Ora and I and Oscar. It just feels so good to see the joy Ora brings to others, especially there where people need the optimism.

I hope that you have a merry little Christmas year too, wherever you are and whomever you are with.  Whatever your Christmas wishes for under your Christmas tree, whether it’s something new, bright and shiny, I hope that more than that, more than those things, that you get to spend some time with the ones you love.

Life may have taken over 4 billion years of evolution to create us and here we are on a planet floating in the Milky Way, embraced by billions of stars and other galaxies and taking chances each day. And this is it, the very moment I type these words, the very moment you read them, this is us being alive!!! The thing that is extremely priceless and profound than anything else, so fleeting it is only a flash in the lifetime of the universe. 

For 2013, I am thankful to my God for He had never given up on us. I thank God for protecting my children, for a wonderful partner. Thank You, for the healing, forgiveness, Your miracles, Thank you that You shine on us every day and for the faith that You give freely. God is just so good, and he’s good all the time. 

So, let’s again roll the dice for another year and end 2013 on a happy note!

Welcome 2014! 

Enjoy the current season of your life!
Thank you for dropping by.

December 18, 2013

Meno - Meno Christmas/ Year-End Party 2013

Reach me through theaquinolazaro@gmail.com

Well, it’s that time of year again, folks.  
The time where we all dump a gazillion of pictures from Christmas onto our Facebook. 
For now, here’s a few pictures from our Christmas Party!
It's again a Meno-Meno Christmas and indeed everyone made the party memorable and extra special not to mention the new range of a spectacular entertainment that sets a comical and beautiful mood the whole night which left everyone to wanting more!!!

December 16th rolled around 
and was definitely pretty wild and amazing! 
All shows were totally hilarious, highly entertaining from start to finish!
Congratulations to our ever "gahuuut!!!" Office Staff!

For your abilities to organize and motivate your gorgeous team is a REAL ASSET to the company. LOL!

Your innovation to come up with that stunningly beautiful, awesome costumes,
and for your persistence (for all those sleepless nights!), 
 made all the difference in making that achievement possible. 
Thank you for your continued efforts for giving us the best Live Show ever! 
To all performers: 
Team Bangan, G.R.O':Gorgeous Ravishing Office Staffs,
The Divalicious and the Team Erotic Neurotics!

Kudos to all!

Things that made this party awesome was you got to see all teachers, 
some together with their families and we love it.
It's really fun with a big group of people!  

Aim High Meno Gaia! 
Together Let's Think Big! Teachers Let's Magnify our Skills!

Happy week before Christmas Everyone! 

Enjoy the current season of your life!
Thank you for dropping by.

November 28, 2013

Moments in our Month: NOVEMBER 2013


Reach me through theaquino-lazaro@gmail.com

It's NOVEMBER, it's almost over (as of writing this entry)! I spent most of my early mornings at work and most of these days I feel like I'm having too many responsibilities with too little time and I hope I could share much of this little time with my superone and megamind  'coz I know though I'm always present, but still it wouldn't be enough for them. 

Lately, I’m discovering how to appreciate what I have in each moment, not mourn for what I don’t. Most evening after work Oscar and I are almost always with each other. We go home together, shop and go out together. Apart from that, there's so much  autobiographies to write, lessons and trainings to keep up with. With all these work, I still want to do everything for my children and do something for myself  while I'm being pulled in different directions. 

So much for that...

Today I will talk about having a free spirited kids.

Well, as far as I know a free spirited child is a free spirit. And I Love the term. Someone who doesn't follow the crowd and doesn't really care what other people think. Though a spirited child is an intense child, they’re cute little earthly angels spinning around the yard wearing fairy wings, running and jumping with their bare feet and I would see light, and I would smile and I would laugh. Something spellbinding! 

On that note, I too got a 'spirited'  child who is far from an uncontrollable brat. But she's far more work to discipline than her brother ever was. Her emotional reactions are much more dynamic. She's more outwardly “bold”. Everything - delight-pain- disappointment, suggests a bigger reaction. She's just more exhausting!

BUT Ora  is the sweetest, nicest and best natured kid I've ever met (Not that she came from me), but she's just got a sweet soul. That being said.

She's free spirited in a way that she's got such a wild little attitude and a real enthusiasm and interest for life.She's incredibly inquisitive and loves dancing, singing, movin' and shakin'. She's a free roaming wild child and I love her so much. 

And she is also someone who likes to talk to strangers... 

I remembered when my mother told me while they're going to school, along the way they came across a stranger, a lady on her casual jeans and shirt. Ora asked her " Hi! Sa'n ka nag-school". Then the stranger replied to her politely.

Beyond that, she is also the captain of anything disastrous at home, she likes hiding our phones on hard to find corners in the house. For most of the days they're enemies but there were times too that Quad becomes the voice of reason of Ora.  One morning , on my day off, I was cleaning our room and I let the two of them in the living room play, watch DVD and when I went out to get a microfiber cloth , I saw them removing some of my shoes near the kitchen  going to the living room. The next thing they did, " I heard Ora directing Quad: " Baby Quad, talon ka, tapos si Ora." And Quad, as the baby brother, followed her sister's command. Taking turns from jumping. Then all giggles!

Apart from being a disaster at home, she is well mannered most of the time, but her spirit is high, her energy is high. She is just more intense than many children I know. 

Recently he too is a disaster. Woke up at 4 am. When I found out he had spread all of his milk like an almost 1 kilo of it, all around the room, and when we woke  up  we realize we had  been sleeping in a bed filled with powdered milk. Then Oscar had to put him on the corner and had to leave the room to look for a broom and mop to clean the floor and before Oscar could leave, there’s Quad feeling so accomplished of what he had done and blurted out his words with a big “ YEEEEY!” and a big , big raise of his arms and hands on air.  Then, laughter filled the room instead.

Then for the second time around, once again the disaster happened the next dawn.

Quad is like a kid who instead of asking a bottle of milk, will  wake up at 4 am , open the container, grab the  scoop and when you realize that someone’s doing something near your head, and when you turn on the lights,  and when I’m like, "Quad what are you doing? " And he’s like, Oh! Mama Da, I got hungry and I’m scooping this milk and.. and.. and… spreading it all over my faaaace. Want some?

Quad’s hobbies includes, standing on the table, washing his ball on the toilet, and he is known to sneak away….Hiding in the curtain of my nanay’s little cabinet and we we’re like: “ Asa na si Quad? Quad- Quad?, and I’m like: “ Nay, asa na si Quad, tan-awa sa gawas basig naa nay nikuha ato” (And she would go and look for Quad on the outside street.)  and I was in panic and my heart leaps a thousand of leaps and there he was, muching his wafer stick, sitting, eating quietly and again HE DOESN’T CARE! And we were like , “ Naa ra d  i ka dira Quad.” And again he’s like, “ Mama Da, want some?”

On a beautiful day, we go out, we held hands and walked across the small street close to our house over twenty times. Back and Forth. Then he would looked up at me, smiled his biggest smile . My beautiful sunshine. :)

Regardless, my little Quad is feisty and insane and amiable and fierce. 

YES YES YES! This just reminds me of the moments we experienced with our daughter – and son, was tall and strong and fast and wild and beautiful and crazy exhausting.

I had to learn patience and fortitude and tolerance and creativity - otherwise I would be crying all night, dreading the next day of chaos.

My kids are almost 3 and 5 and they are everything I wasn't as a child.

On the other note, I would like to share some precious things of how we spent our November. 

Everyday I talk to strangers. People who I eventually genuinely  enjoy of getting to know , to understand who they are and what they want to do in the world.  And I love the idea that with my little help, they soon become part of my world. 

What I am learning from this everyday experience is that I can choose to respond to each situation with my best self. Recently, I have interacted to every kind of person with the belief that they are good and kind. That like me, are mostly just trying to do their best  too. I offered them smile in exchange of a good performance, and a rude response to a frustrating conversation... because these exchanges are about the heart.We would talk about simplifying complicated things and of how to use up that one chance given. That I believe, I can build these people up and help them out to be a better teacher. 

Thanks for a beautiful November, 
of wonderful food and an awe-inspiring  times and music with friends! 

Enjoy the current season of your life! 
Thank you for dropping by!